Friday, June 22, 2012

Chaos, Messes and Small Accomplishments

Jennifer Shipley Artwork
Umbrella Splats - Sumi Ink By Jennifer Shipley

Uugh.  I’ve had a migraine for at least a week, minus a day.  (That doesn't make any sense unless you are in my head.)   Anyway, it makes it really hard to get anything done or write a fun blog when you’ve got an ook infestation in your noggin.  (I can’t believe spellcheck liked that word, "noggin".  That fickle bugger.)
Jennifer Shipley Artwork
Evolution - Vector Graphic by Jennifer Shipley

So we just watched Ratatouille and my poor 5 year old nephew, Ben, hated it.  He got freaked out when they snuck into the old lady’s kitchen at the very beginning. He ran off crying and plugging his ears.  He doesn’t like anything new or anything even remotely suspenseful.  Poor thing.  He has "unique child that doesn’t fit into any box" syndrome.  And I have "over-stimulated auntie who can’t process the GARGANTUAN chaos" syndrome.  Four people (two of them children) are ALL TALKING AT THE SAME TIME and my family is SOOOOOOO LLLLOOOOUUUUUUUDDD!!!  AAAHHHHHHH!  I’m wearing mondo earplugs and STILL can’t hack it. My brain is thick and slow, like porridge that sat around for a day or so.

Jennifer Shipley Artwork
Tongue Tied - Ink Drawing by Jennifer Shipley

Oh MY.  And get this.  Ben was not obeying while eating at the island and knocked his bowl onto the granite floor.  CRAAAAASSHSHHHV###33SKKXTX$X%&#.  It completely shattered into itty bitty pieces.  Spaghetti EVERYWHERE.  Yay! 
Jennifer Shipley Artwork
Dyno-Boy - Colored Pencil by Jennifer Shipley

If I wasn't so thick I would have snapped a photo of it's spectacularness, but I had to rescue an extremely mobile (and grumpy) baby from sharp bits.  Now at the end of it all, her fever is down and mine is up.  Oh goodie. Bleh.  
At least I did find the energy today to finish my custom pendant and model it for my gal in Ireland.  It's a new design with a slipknot cord.  It won't turn backwards.  I find it annoying how cords are always turning backwards.   And the slipknot allows versatility in length, which I love because I tend to layer my jewelry.  I'm going to make more.
Golden Healer Pendant by Jennifer Shipley at DoodlepunkArt
Longer Length of Golden Healer Pendant by Jennifer Shipley at DoodlepunkArt

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Do Squirrels Hiss???

Today when I was outside watering the plants, I saw something run through the crack under the garage door.  I went in the house and downstairs into the garage to investigate.  I heard a scuffle and saw something fuzzy disappear under my car.  His tail wasn’t quite as puffy as most squirrels, but he was bigger than a chipmunk.  It sounded like he was hissing at me.  Do squirrels hiss?????  I got down on my hands and knees and could see the poor little guy hiding behind the tools and wood stacked against the wall. 

At this point I opened the garage doors so he could escape and Boo Boo was right there waiting.  Boo Boo is my two year old tuxedo kitty who has recently discovered that there are all kinds of edible creatures outside.  A month or so ago he caught a bunny, which took him two days to eat. :(  Horrible.  I know it’s just him doing what God made him to do, but blehhhh.  I feed him very well, a grain-free diet from the Pet Health Food Store, so there is no need for him to eat the cute and fuzzy things in this world.    

I grabbed Boo Boo, forcing him into the house.  He has been pacing  and moaning and crying ever since.  He sure knows how to express himself.

Update:  Apparently Squirrels do hiss, according to a number of sources on the internet, but this was actually a large chipmunk that hissed at me.  We don't get many up here on the top of the hill.  I'm guessing it's partly because all the tall trees are far below us, but the fact that I'm a cat lover, I am sure, has a bit to do with it. 

The day after I wrote this blog I saw Boo Boo coming up the hill with something fuzzy in his mouth.  I squealed and ran down the hill towards him.  He was so shocked that he leapt up in the air and opened his mouth.  A fluffy chipmunk popped out of his mouth, stunned. 

I ran up to him and stood between Boo Boo and the chipmunk, as Boo Boo froze, wondering what I was hollering about.  The little guy got his senses back, glared past me at Boo Boo and started yelling and cursing at him, then darted off down the hill screaming profanities the whole way.  I just thought you might enjoy this little update.  :)  Apparently chipmunks hiss too.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Inspirational Union, WA

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

I just had to share some snapshots I took last night of the view from my balcony.  It looked so heavenly with the rays of sunlight shining down through the clouds.